OUR TALENT for wesitesmaller.png

Bottom line:

These remarkable students are years ahead of their peers, and for the lucky companies recruiting them.

The best way to connect with the next, savvy, social generation?  Hire them.


Gabby Davis - Account Lead/Copywriter

Grace Hopkins - Account Lead/Strategist

Sarah Rinderknecht - Copywriter

Thursday afternoon brainstorming session  2:25pm

Amy Ha - Marketing Director

Elias Faulk - Strategy / Photography / Videography

Kyle Rusak - Strategy

Emily Simmons - Copywriter

Blake Marshall - Creative Director

Aspen Francis - Designer/Strategist

Dillon McClelland - Account Lead/Client Liaison

Cayden Turnbow - Video Director

Savannah Catledge - Copywriter/Strategist

EZ Garcia - Account Lead

Dani Paskevitch - Art Director/Copywriter

William Vandervort - Designer